
Korean Drama > The Musical

I just started watching new and supposedly "HOT" proclaimed by Mysoju.com viewers.
If you have already seen another hot drama, "Boys Before Flowers", which is a remake of the Japanese Manga and Drama, Hana Yori Dango, you probably will recognize the main actress in this drama.  Yeah it is one the same. (SALUTE, CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!)

Anyways you know how Asian dramas absolutely love the kawaii colorful covers, so here it is.

Kim Hyun Sun              
Choo So Young        
Koo Hye Sun          
Park Ki Woong 

Alright so whats it about? You know the drill Korean drama can only be based on two things; LOVE and LIFE.  So don't expect some sci-fi human eating aliens.

So there is a girl (Koo Hye Sun ) who is studying to be a doctor, but she is absolutely in love with theater, so she takes lessons from a con artist who offers to teach her in exchange for boarding.  While singing in the streets she meets a stranger who proclaimed himself a famous song writer.  She didn't think much of it until she fatefully runs into many times.  This song writer has since stopped writing songs, for he was heart broken recently.  I was in love with a married woman, who is also (Koo Hye Sun) 's idol, and soon to be mentor.  So...this is like love rectangle. ^^ hee hee

Thats all folks!

So far rating:

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