Barbie has been the face of every little girls dream, although we all know it is impossible to looks as "perfect as Barbie is, people do seem to find ways to look as "gorgeous" as they perceive Barbie to be. People turn to plastic surgery to look "perfect", sometimes if not ALL the time "Perfect" is just impossible. Who wants to look like a fake person anyways? You may be surprised! Featured in the latest "O" Magazine model Katie Halchishick poses as a living diagram of what it takes be like Barbie. Photographer Matthew Rolston, all her gorgeous features are surgically outlined, to mimic Barbies proportions.
Katie Halchishick, Photographed by Matthew Rolston , O Magazine
What does it take to look like Barbie? A WHOLE LOT!!! ( a whole lot of PAIN TOO!)
- eyebrow lift
- jawline shave
- rhinoplasty
- check and neck reduction
- chin implant
-scooped-out shoulders
- breast lift
-liposuction on her arms
- tummy tuck (which would have to be sculpted, because our bones are made to look like what Barbie has)
Thank you Katie Halchishick for pointing out the misconception Barbie to spreading to the world. Making little girls believe that is what beauty really is. Now I know why I ripped all of Barbies heads off as a kid. ^^
Just love yourself, if you really want to get something fixed, do it. No one is here to judge, and if they are then fuck them. In the end you do whatever makes you happy and you will love yourself for it! BOOYA!
i assume being very thin ^^