
Happy Constitution Day!

Today is Constitution DAY!! ( If you're not American, then you're like "and?")  Well and its the day we celebrate our so CALLED Constitution that supposedly, "Protects us from the government"  >> AS IF, but hey its working thus far.  So in honor of this....not so popular holiday (yeah, you'd think today would be popular too.  You may ask...wasn't that July 4??? NO! July 4th was the Declaration of Independence! You know what comes with independence? MORE WORRIES! After that sucker was signed, there was no more Great Britain taking care of baby USA, not that I am complaining.)

Anyways...enough of me yabbering on, lets have a fun fact quiz! 
( I would say NO CHEATING! But how would I know if you Google the answers up, so have fun with it! )

1. Which are the original 13 united states?
( Hint: There are no ORIGINAL states in the West)

2. When was the Constitution signed?
( If you get this date wrong ....I don't know what to say)

3. What are the three branches of government?

4. Freedom of the press is protected in which amendment?

5. Which amendment gives us freedom to bear arms?

6. Which amendment protects an individual from being charged twice for the same crime?

7. Which amendment prohibits slavery?

8. Congress is granted power to collect taxes on incomes under the terms of which amendment?

9. Which amendment gave women the right to vote?

10. Which delegate of the Constitutional Convention invented the concept of Daylight Savings Time and initiated the first public library in America??
(Hint: Think of the $100 bill)

11. Who was the first Republican President?

12. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

13.  What form of government does the U.S. have?

 14. Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner and in what year?

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